
Dr. Suhas S V

Consultant Physician
The Nattika Beach Resort
(Branch of Park am See Nattika Ayurveda)

Obesity, or Sthaulya, is one among the eight undesirable physical features described in Ayurvedic classics. It is also a major risk factor for various health issues.  In Ayurveda classics we can see references how obesity leading to various health conditions. Obesity is due to the vitiation of Kapha Doshas and Medho Datus. 

Management of obesity in Ayurveda is done through maintaining balance on the doshas through a proper diet and routine and also through eliminative therapies.  From a modern perspective, weight management involves understanding the relationship between calorie intake and expenditure, that is how much energy we consume versus how much we utilize.

To effectively manage weight, it is essential that we need to understand how our body is utilising the energy 

Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR)

The primary calorie-burning process in our body happens through our Basic metabolic activity or rate (BMR). If this basic metabolic rate is good, it ensures that the energy from our diet is utilized efficiently and it helps us stay fit and active. Various factors may affect this metabolic process negatively, such as the issues in the lifestyle and diet habits, changes in age and hormonal condition and due to some systemic illness. 

Ayurveda food for weight loss

Ayurveda treatment for weight loss focuses on enhancing metabolism through therapies such as Panchakarma detox procedures, herbal remedies, and dietary adjustments.
These detox therapies help eliminate ‘Ama’ (toxic waste) from the body, which negatively impacts metabolic functions.

Various herbal combination is also advised as an Ayurvedic remedy for weight loss which are having the property to enhance Kapha and Medho ( Fat) metabolic properties.  

Physical Activity

Physical movement is important in burning calories. The more active we are, the more energy we spend. Increase your physical activities wherever possible, such as walking, cycling, using the steps instead of an elevator etc. and also engaging in hobbies that requires physical effort can significantly contribute to calorie burning. 

Plan your daily routine, based on Ayurveda principles considering your body nature and physical strength aiming to increase your physical activity.  

Digestive Process

The digestion process itself utilizes energy, and this will be influenced by the type of food which we consume. A meal plan which is rich in fibers and complex carbohydrates ensure the proper digestion. On the other hand, processed foods and “empty calories” can slow down digestion, leading to weight gain.

Ayurveda recommend to follow a mindful eating, where eating as considered as a ritual. While consuming food, one should approach it with a clear and respectful mind, recognizing that the food’s energy is sacrificed for our nourishment or betterment. This involves eating slowly, savouring each bite with all senses and a well-balanced meal which is warm and unctuous. 

Mindful eating also consists of choosing the right food and spices according to one’s body constitution and health condition. 

According to Ayurveda, meal planning should align with the dominance of Doshas. A warm, protein-rich breakfast is ideal to kickstart the day. Let Lunch be the main meal of the day, eaten during mid-day when digestion is strongest due to the dominance of Pitta Dosha. A light warm dinner, early in the evening is ideal as Vata Dosha dominates during this time and metabolic activity slows down. Additional to this ensure a gap of 3–4 hours between meals and avoid in-between snaking.  


While exercise may not result in immediate, dramatic calorie burning, it significantly improves BMR and overall metabolism. Ayurveda recommends including exercise as a part of daily routine (Dinacharya). Practices such as walking, yoga, and strength training help build muscle tone, enhance joint health, and improve endurance.

Strength training, in particular, is crucial as healthy muscles provide support to joints and improve physical performance. Ayurveda advises exercising in the morning on an empty stomach, which encourages the body to utilize stored fat for energy, thereby accelerating metabolism.