
Dr Ahish Pillai

Consultant Physician
The Nattika Beach Resort
(Branch of Park am See Nattika Ayurveda )

The health of an individual, including one’s emotions, energy levels and other aspects of general well being can be altered by hormonal imbalance. Ayurveda, the ancient method of healing the entire person, has proven remedies for the restoration of imbalance in the body.

Support Hormonal Health with Diet

In Ayurveda , food is regarded as medicine. Hormones can be balanced out by inclusion of such foods like flaxseed, sesame seed, fresh vegetables e.t.c. Processed foods and excess sugars should be avoided from your diet since they might very much aggravate the imbalance. Cooling herbs such as shatavari and ashwagandha are particularly beneficial for female reproductive health.

Detoxify with Panchakarma

In case it is compromised, Ayurvedic remedies like Panchakarma can prove to be life-changing treatments. Ama is the term used to describe these toxins that disturb hormonal balance and panchakarma helps to get rid of them. So in a way, it is an aid to the endocrine system by virtue of purging out toxins thus enabling better management of hormonal levels.


Strengthen Your Doshas

Most of the time hormonal changes are related to dosha aggravation. For instance, excess pitta may lead to hot flashes or irritability and an aggravated vata may cause anxiety or even induce sleeplessness. Balance can be achieved by knowing your dosha and sticking to a specific lifestyle and diet suitable for you.

Reduce Stress through Ayurvedic Medications

Hormonal imbalance is often brought about by stress. However ayurvedic preparations such as Brahmi and Ashwagandha are adaptogens which help the body deal with stress and thus do not interfere with production of hormones. The other activities that can be done to reduce stress and achieve balance in these hormones include dinacharya (following a daily routine), meditation, yoga, and Pranayama (breathing techniques).

Sleep More for Hormonal Balance

Lack of proper Nidra (sleep) makes it impossible to maintain a healthy hormonal balance. Ayurveda suggests that a soothing night routine should be incorporated in order to enhance hormonal functions.

Addressing hormonal imbalance with Ayurvedic treatments allows for a natural and sustainable healing process. By understanding your dosha and adopting an Ayurvedic lifestyle, you can effectively reduce the symptoms of hormonal imbalance, ensuring long-term balance and wellness through an Ayurveda cure in Germany at Park Am See.