
Dr. Ashley

Consultant Physician
The Nattika Beach Resort
(Branch of Park am See Nattika Ayurveda )

Ayurveda the SCIENCE OF LIFE is the ancient old science which emphasizes on the holistic approach of health. Holistic health is an approach to wellness that addresses the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual components of health. Health in Ayurveda is a balanced state of body, mind & spirit. Thus diseases occurs due to an imbalance between your body, mind & spirit as a result of lifestyle changes, climate changes etc. The two approaches in ayurveda is to maintain the health of a healthy person and treat the diseased.

So maintaining the healthy state is equally important as treating the diseased. To maintain the healthy state of a person, Ayurveda has regimens to follow such as daily regimen (Dinacharya) & seasonal regimen (Ritucharya) . To treat the imbalance we focus on the use of herbal remedies, detoxification methods and mental health practices such as meditation and yoga to enhance overall wellness.

Dinacharya, is a concept which explains the routine to be followed in daily life . Daily routines explained in Ayurveda starts from waking up in early morning, cleaning teeth, tongue scraping, cleaning face, gargling of mouth, nasal instillation, application of collirium, oiling the body, bathing, proper food intake and proper sleep.


Ritucharya ,(Ritu means season and Charya means regimen) is the ayurvedic practice called seasonal regimens which consists of lifestyle and diet guidelines adapted in each season according to the seasonal variations. This helps the body to cope up with the changes that occurring within due to each season.  Following these seasonal regimens can help people balance the doshas and prevent lifestyle disorders, for example in hot & dry season , we should eat cold, light, bitter foods.

In Park Am See Nattika we focus on these regimens along with the treatment aspects as it adds up to the overall health and wellness of a person .We have a daily routine that can be followed during your stay starting from the dinacharya kit that can be used daily which contains ayurvedic tooth powder for tooth cleaning, tongue scraper for tongue cleaning, medicated nasal drops for nasal instillation, oil for oil pulling in mouth . Mental health is equally important as well as the physical health in overall wellness, at Park Am See Nattika yoga and meditation provided daily helps to regain the mental balance and reduce stress. Pranayama is another practice (Prana means life energy and Ayama means to extend or draw out) which helps in respiratory health, improve circulation & mindfulness. Yoga helps to improve your flexibility, strength & balance whereas meditation helps with anxiety, stress and other mental health issues. Along with the practice of regimens & yoga, treatments and personalized consultation with doctor, customized diet all together helps to know your body and your imbalance. 

The routine followed here helps you to maintain a healthy state in the future. At Park Am See Nattika, a team of dedicated doctors and yoga masters emphasizes maintaining health through the holistic approach of Ayurveda. This renowned center also offers effective Ayurveda Cure in Germany, providing comprehensive wellness solutions.