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Dr Gokul M G
Consultant Physician
Rockholm at the Light House Beach
(Branch of Park am See Nattika Ayurveda )

Among people, the skills, physical looks, personality, etc. show a vast range. What makes a person especially different and unique from others?
It is the PRAKRUTHI or CONSTITUTION "Prakruthisthu swabhavah"
Two words come to define the word "Prakruthi": "Prak" denotes before, beginning or source of origin. "Kruthi" describes birth or creation. Prakruthi, taken generally, denotes "the first formed nature." In Ayurveda, Prakruthi is the unchanging genetic identity of each person. "Janmamaranatharakalabhavini avikarini doshasthithi Prakruthi"

Formation of Prakruthi

The Prakruthi of the kid is determined by the Doshic preponderance, thus defined as Vatha, Pitha, and Kapha's state at the union of sperm and ovum and parents' mental faculties.

Types of Prakruthi

Ayurveda regards Saririka Prakruthi Vatha as having seven varieties.

  • Vatha
  • Pitha
  • Kapha
  • Vatha Pitha
  • Vatha Kapha
  • Pitha Kapha
  • Vatha Pitha Kapha
Prakruthi in Ayurveda

Apart from the above, Manasa Prakruthi also exists in three varieties.
  • Satwa
  • Tama
  • Raja & Tama

Vatha Prakruthi: Is distinguished from others by dryness, coolness, lightness and movement. Though they may suffer from imbalance like anxiety, insomnia, and irregular digestion when out of harmony, those with dominant Vatha Prakruthi often are creative, energetic, and fast thinker.

Pitha Prakruthi: Express with traits of fire, sharpness, lightness and intensity. Prominent Pitha Prakruthi people are frequently sharp thinking, aspirational, and have a great taste for life. On balance, though, they may be prone to problems including inflammation, heartburn, and irritability.

Kapha Prakruthi: Kapha stands for heaviness, slowness, coolness, and steadiness. Those with Kapha Prakruthi are peaceful, loving, and have great stamina; but, when their constitution is disrupted, they may experience weight gain, slowness and attachment problems.

According to their prominence, traits of the respective doshas are evident in Dwandhaja and Tridoshaja Prakruthi. Ayurveda holds that attaining balance and well-being in one's life requires a knowledge of the prakruthi. Knowing one's Prakruthi helps one to choose a food and way of life that complements his or her particular constitution, therefore encouraging general health and welfare.

See an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner to ascertain the Prakruthi; she may evaluate lifestyle choices as well as physical and psychological traits. Personalized ayurveda consultations and treatments are available at Park Am See to assist you find your Prakruthi and bring equilibrium back into your life.

At Park Am See Ayurveda Hotel Germany, where the age-old knowledge of Ayurveda awaits to expose your true nature and guide you towards a life of vitality and harmony, start a road of self-discovery and holistic wellbeing.