Our healing approach is based on the classical Ayurveda texts.


In our efforts to promote the health and balance of our guests, at Park Am See Ayurveda cure in Germany we use Shodana Chikilsa, a comprehensive body cleansing therapy. The accumulation of toxins in the body, caused by dietary habits, daily routines and climatic changes, can lead to an imbalance of the Tridoshas – the three essential body energies in Ayurveda. In order to eliminate these toxins and restore the harmony of the doshas, the therapy begins with preparatory steps, the Poorva Karmas. These include Snehanakarma, the process of therapeutic oil application, and Swedanakarma, induced sweating to stimulate the body’s own detoxification process. This preparation is followed by panchakarma – an intensive detoxification therapy – and finally the paschath karmas, which support the maintenance of the restored dosha balance.

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The Shamana Chikilsa is a gentle calming therapy that is offered either as a follow-up session after a Shodana therapy (body cleansing procedure) or as a stand-alone treatment at PARK AM SEE NATTIKA AYURVEDA. This method is particularly suitable if the dosha imbalance is moderate or if the guest’s physical constitution does not permit intensive cleansing therapy. To restore the natural dosha balance, we use a combination of internal and external healing measures in the Shamana Chikilsa. These include specially selected herbal medicines and supportive therapies aimed at gently calming the doshas and restoring the body and mind to a harmonious balance.

nattika ayurveda


The Shamana Chikilsa at PARK AM SEE NATTIKA AYURVEDA is characterized by its gentle yet effective approach. This calming therapy can be used in conjunction with further treatments after the Shodana Chikilsa, as well as directly with this method, especially in the case of slight dosha imbalances or if you do not feel ready for more intensive cleansing procedures. Our aim at the Shamana Chikilsa is to restore your natural dosha balance with a carefully balanced blend of internally applied herbal preparations and external healing treatments. Our specialized Ayurvedic doctors select specific medicinal plants and procedures that harmonize your doshas and thus gently lead your body and mind to inner peace. At PARK AM SEE NATTIKA AYURVEDA, you receive tailor-made therapies that nourish your health on all levels.


Our Ayurveda treatments at PARK AM SEE NATTIKA AYURVEDA are divided into several crucial phases to ensure effective cleansing and restoration of the body’s balance. The preparatory phase (Poorvakarma) lays the foundation for the success of the main cleansing therapy. In this initial phase, special therapies such as Snehanakarma, an intensive oil treatment, as well as the administration of medicinal ghee and other medicines tailored to individual needs are carried out. The external therapies combined with Swedana Karma, the heat therapies to promote sweating, support the body in effectively mobilizing toxins and directing them to central elimination pathways. This strategy of attracting and collecting toxins facilitates their gentle removal in the subsequent main phase to enable a thorough cleansing and create the basis for a sustainable restoration of natural balance.

This is followed by the main purification therapy (Pradhanakarma).

The basic preparation phase is followed by the main cleansing therapy at PARK AM SEE NATTIKA AYURVEDA , also known as Pradhanakarma. This involves specific cleansing procedures that target the toxins that have already been mobilized in order to finally remove them from the body. As soon as the main cleansing therapy is complete, the phase of paschatkarma, the follow-up treatment, begins. This is essential to enable a gradual build-up of digestive power (agni), to strengthen the body’s own energy and to establish a balanced state of the doshas.

The follow-up treatment includes individualized prescriptions for diet, activities and medication, and is characterized by special treatment methods. The individual constitution, symptoms and general state of health determine how often this therapy cycle should be repeated in order to achieve optimal results. In the context of Ayurvedic medicine, a balanced diet and regular exercise are just as important as the medication and the therapies carried out. To maximize the effects of the treatment, the entire treatment cycle is accompanied, for example, by a specially tailored diet, yoga sessions and exercise programs that are developed in harmony with your individual body constitution, your inner climate and existing imbalances.

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Ayurveda is much more than just a medical system; it is a wisdom teaching deeply rooted in the rich tradition of India. As one of the oldest scientifically recognized health systems in the world, Ayurveda draws on a comprehensive philosophical foundation based on thousands of years of knowledge. Ayurvedic philosophy views the human being as a unity of body, mind and spirit, with the aim of promoting the balance of these three components. This balance is defined not only by physical health, but also by emotional well-being and spiritual contentment. At PARK AM SEE NATTIKA AYURVEDA, we see the teachings of Ayurveda as a guide to holistic healthcare. We recognize the healing power of nature and use it to strengthen the body’s self-healing powers. The therapeutic applications of Ayurveda, be it dietary recommendations, lifestyle changes or cleansing rituals, are designed to balance and maintain the individual constitution of each person – known as Prakriti. In our practice, you will experience the healing power of Ayurveda philosophy in concrete terms through individually tailored treatment plans that take into account all aspects of your being and utilize your natural resources. Our experienced Ayurvedic physicians and therapists will guide you on your journey to perfect health and harmonious balance, true to our belief that true healing comes from within and is enhanced by a harmonious connection with nature.Read More


The Ayurvedic philosophy at PARK AM SEE NATTIKA AYURVEDA permeates every element of our healing art and is at the heart of our daily practice. With a deep understanding of the principles of Ayurveda – the science of life – we strive to show every guest a path to holistic health and long-term wellbeing. Ayurveda assumes that the Five Elements (Pancha Mahabhutas) – earth, water, fire, air and ether – are present in every form of matter and living being. The unique combination of these elements in an individual determines their unique constitution, the Prakriti. Our therapies aim to correct any imbalances in these elements that affect the three life energies or doshas – vata, pitta and kapha. The interaction between these doshas determines the state of a person’s health. An imbalance can lead to disease, while a harmonious interaction promotes robust health. We focus our Ayurveda treatments on maintaining or restoring this balance with personalized healing methods and ritual practices. At PARK AM SEE NATTIKA AYURVEDA, we not only follow traditional methods, but also integrate modern insights and individualized approaches to apply Ayurvedic principles in a relevant and effective way. Our holistic programs include careful diagnoses, therapeutic cleansing processes (shodhana), nutrient supplementation (samana) and rasayana (rejuvenation therapies), complemented by tailored yoga and meditation practices. Every guest experiences a rejuvenating environment at PARK AM SEE NATTIKA AYURVEDA, where stillness and naturalness prevail in every aspect of the healing process. We view the process of healing as a reawakening experience, a return to one’s nature and a deep connection with the rhythms of life. Our mission is to guide you to where wellbeing is not just a goal, but a constant state – nourished by the timeless knowledge of Ayurveda and our dedication to using this knowledge for your health. Read More


Yoga in harmony with nature at PARK AM SEE Yoga is an essential pillar of the Ayurveda cure at PARK AM SEE. Here, our experienced yoga teachers lead the practice with deep devotion, which is suitable for both beginners and advanced practitioners. Our charming, thatched yoga room harmonizes perfectly with the traditional half-timbered architecture of Alt Rehse and, with its generous 400 square meters of space, offers a breathing room effect that allows each individual to concentrate fully on the inner experience. Enjoy the peace and quiet while you strengthen yourself physically and mentally and deepen your yoga practice in an environment that radiates a sense of security and connection with nature. Read More