
Dr Leshma Vijay

Consultant Physician
The Nattika Beach Resort
(Branch of Park am See Nattika Ayurveda )

Skin is the largest organ in our body, which also reflects the overall health of an individual. According to Ayurveda, our skin is made up of seven layers, and each layer performs specific functions like protection from the harmful ultraviolet radiations and external forces, absorption of nutrients, secretion of sebum and sweat, synthesis of melanin and Vitamin D, temperature regulation etc. 

Have you ever wondered why your skin glows one day and the next, it’s breaking out? The reason being-our skin is connected to our inner wellness. A healthy skin is obtained not only by external therapies or applications, but most importantly from the internal health of a person. Only a happy gut can reflect a happy skin. Skincare regimen was always mistaken to be a female-only practice in our world since ages and often neglected by the men. However, in the modern era, who doesn’t like being pampered a little and looking young with a glowing skin? This validates the raise in number of cosmetology clinics and skin care practices around us.

Personalized Skin Care

Ayurveda, the ancient system of medicine, emphasizes the importance of understanding an individual’s body nature or imbalance before carrying out any treatments, and the same applies to skincare as well. According to the Prakruthi (basic body constitution) of each person, the texture and tone of skin varies. The vulnerability of each skin type to different diseases can also be related to the predominant dosha in each. In Ayurveda, the three doshas or vital forces namely Vatha, Pitha and Kapha regulate all the bodily functions.

In a Vatha predominant person the skin is dry and sensitive, prone to wrinkles and fine lines, which will need proper moisturizing and hydration. Oil massages regularly will also help in reducing the dryness of skin. In a Pitha predominant person, the skin is susceptible to acne, rosacea and sun burns or damages. The skin will need a calming and soothing regimen, which also helps to reduce inflammations and prevent breakouts. For a person with Kapha predominance, the skin is likely to be oily, thicker and shining, but highly prone to occurrence of comedones (blackheads and whiteheads). For a Kapha skin, proper cleansing and purification is always required to prevent the clogging of pores. The Ayurveda skin care regimen is always focused on the individual needs, after a careful and thorough evaluation by the Ayurveda Physician. Random skincare routines will create more adverse effects than positive outcomes, especially for a person having a sensitive skin. Along with the external therapies, proper diet and lifestyle corrections are mandatory for the maximum benefit. Internal medications are also prescribed if necessary for a better healing. ‘The whole universe is contained within an individual’-by holding on to this philosophy, let us unlock the secrets to a healthy and radiant skin with the magic of Ayurveda!!