
Dr Leshma Vijay

Consultant Physician
The Nattika Beach Resort
(Branch of Park am See Nattika Ayurveda)

In today’s fast paced world, where everyone spend most of their daily hours working through their busy schedules or doing household chores, they seldom find time for themselves which will eventually lead to various illness.

Ayurveda, the ancient science of life emphasizes on the importance of self-care for our well-being.  It is very important to maintain a work-life balance that keeps us physically, mentally and emotionally active and fit. The ancient scholars of Ayurveda has mentioned certain routine that can be incorporated into the everyday life, also called as Dinacharya. It includes a set of practices like waking up early before sunrise, elimination of body wastes, brushing teeth, practicing nasal drops and oil pulling, exercise, yoga, meditation and an oil massage ending with a warm water shower completing the morning routine. These practices helps to maintain good hygiene and health as well as prevent occurrences of diseases. It will also help in starting the day with a positive note. 

Keeping aside an hour or two to engage in your favorite hobbies, journaling or connecting with family and friends is a much needed habit, which helps to release the happy hormones and relieve the stress of the day. 

Ayurvedic Self Care

Using this time as a digital detox and staying away from the screen, is also a good way to repair the mind from the day’s tension. Eating healthy and nourishing foods will also satisfy your body and mind. Owing to the mind-gut connection, it is advised to avoid eating while you are stressed, as it may affect the digestion. Instead it will be good to take a deep breath before starting the meal, which will relax the mind and aid a better digestion. 

One may also engage in skin care routines at the end of the day to keep your skin look healthy, free from the fine lines and wrinkles, because who doesn’t like looking young!! Getting enough sleep at least for 7-8 hours every night will help your mind to heal and rejuvenate. Engaging in a small prayer or expressing gratitude to the supreme power for the day’s blessings before going to bed will also calm down your mind and bring a positive energy.

Always keep in mind, self-care is not being selfish. It’s essential to live a happy, healthy and balanced life. Incorporating simple changes to the daily regimen, will help in prioritizing your well-being and preparing yourself for the challenges that lies ahead of you. We, at the Park Am See Ayurveda Resort Germany, prioritize your needs and open the doorways to a healthy lifestyle with the treatments, diet and yoga, along with providing guidelines that help you attain a holistic health. Let us start taking care of our body, mind and soul through the age old wisdom of Ayurveda.